Wrath Crate Key | x1 Keys
Description: Unlock the Wrath Crate at [/warp crates] for a chance to win rewards!
Left Click on the Wrath Crate to preview the rewards along with the chances to win them when you hover on one item.
Right Click on the Wrath Crate to open the crate and receive your rewards (Whether your key is a virtual or a physical one. Use /keys view to see how many virtual keys you have)
Note: All items obtained from the Wrath Crate can be obtained through the game.
Every perk can be obtained and used also by Free to play Players [/ecraft].
Wrath Crate Rewards:
Important note:
- The number in the parentheses is the item's drop chance
Wrath Armor Set (10% for each piece)
- Unbreaking 5
- Protection 6
- Mending
Wrath Sword (3.5%)
- Sharpness 5
- Looting 3
- Fire aspect 1
- Sweeping Edge 3
- Unbreaking 5
- Mending
Wrath Tools (5%)
- Efficiency 6
- Fortune 4 (Pickaxe enchant only)
- Unbreaking 5
- Mending
Wrath Bow (7.5%)
- Power 5
- Infinity
- Unbreaking 5
- Mending
Fishing Rod (0.25%)
- Lure 5
- Unbreaking 5
- Luck 5
Sellwand (4%)
- 210 uses
- 1.9x Multiplier
Sellwand charger (1%)
- 175 (adds 175 uses to ANY sellwand)
- Will not work on infinite-uses sellwands
- Drag this item over the sellwand you want upgrade
x5.000.000 EXP (2.5%)
- adds 5.000.000 EXP to your character
Gold Package | 1 (5%)
- 200 Gold
Gold Package | 2 (2.5%)
- 300 Gold
Gold Package | 3 (0.5%)
- 500 Gold
- 2x Wrath Keys (1%)
- 1x Kayangel Key (0.75%)
- 1x Oblivion Key (0.5%)
- 1x Phantom Astalgia Key (0.25%)